The Beauty of El Triunfo and Fall Term Classes

El Triunfo, a Mexican restaurant, is an 8 minute walk away from campus. It serves as comfort food for many Carls, myself included. When I leave El Tri, I’m always…

El Triunfo, a Mexican restaurant, is an 8 minute walk away from campus. It serves as comfort food for many Carls, myself included. When I leave El Tri, I’m always…

El Triunfo, a Mexican restaurant, is an 8 minute walk away from campus. It serves as comfort food for many Carls, myself included. When I leave El Tri, I’m always ready to go into a food coma, stuffed to the brim and my mouth is on fire in the best way possible. They serve every meal with beautiful and infamous green sauce. It is the best hot sauce I’ve ever tasted and is a hot commodity around campus. It can be added to your eggs at breakfast, or as a dipping sauce for french fries. It is so multi-faceted!

I went abroad to Argentina last year and went into green sauce withdrawal. Despite the variations of chimichurri sauce, and other sauces that I tried, nothing could compare.  My friend Trixie just spent the last six months in Paris on a Carleton abroad program and extended her stay to do an internship in France. She similarly went into El Triunfo withdrawal and just went back for the first time in a long time:

Week 3 Ally

See that expression on her face as she starts cutting into her burrito? That is pure joy and happiness. If you are visiting Carleton, would strong recommend stopping there for a quick taco (snack) or burrito (huge meal). Here is a great article profiling the owners (and the whole family) behind El Triunfo. Support your local Northfield business!

Anyways, this term I am taking Constitutional Law, Global Environmental Policy and Politics, and Photography 1. Three classes is a usual course-load on the 10-week trimester system at Carleton and keeps us all quite busy.

I’m excited to take two Political Science classes that focus on such different things! Constitutional Law 1 explores the development of American constitutional law from the founding era to the secession crisis. I’m looking forward to analyzing Supreme Court cases from the 19th century soon.

In Global Environmental Policy and Politics, Professor Myint wants us to challenge traditional state-centric ways of thinking about international problems and solutions and consider the social, moral, ecological costs that are not incorporated into our globalized capitalist system.  

Photography 1 is all film photography; I have worked in a darkroom before and love developing my negatives and slowing down to take photos instead of using my iPhone to record something quickly for Snapchat. I’ve no idea what the projects will be throughout the term but excited to have a more creative outlet compared to my other two classes that are heavily loaded with reading and writing.

Here’s to Fall Term of my junior year and eating lots of green sauce!

Ally, a native New Yorker transplanted to the Midwest, is an American Studies major. She loves to drink coffee or kombucha while learning about environmental policy. She also plays Ultimate Frisbee casually and wishes she was better at napping. Read on to meet the rest of our bloggers.