


Hey folks,

Hope y’all are doing well where you are. 真不敢相信我搬进菲律宾十大彩票平台已经27天了. 我真的很高兴能加入这个美丽、聪明、有趣的社区. 自从我来到校园,我收到了很多朋友发来的关于菲律宾十大彩票平台的短信. 我们的大多数谈话总是以一个问题和评论结束:


“Bruhh, you are so smart.”

Indeed, it is not easy to get into Carleton. 我的大学申请之旅是我做过的最困难的事情之一. In short, it is a classic “never give up, work smart” story, 有很多课程可以帮助你申请大学.

It all started in 11th grade…

In 11th grade, I joined the Misongi College Access Program in Cameroon. 这是为了获得申请大学所需的技能. 我学会了如何写个人陈述和大学论文提示, to practice for the SAT, 以及(最重要的)完成通用应用程序. 这个过程要求很高,特别是因为我要去上学.

I didn’t get in

在2019-2020录取周期中,我申请了8所学校,都被拒绝了. I was shocked because I had put in a lot of work to craft my application; I thought it was a masterpiece. 后来,我发现我的低SAT分数可能使我处于不利地位. Despite the pain I felt during this time, 我决定高中毕业后休一年的空档年,集中精力申请大学.

Discovering Carleton College

After doing so well on my final high school exams, 我立即开始寻找各种各样的大学申请. 起初,我想申请另一所学校,但最后改变了主意. My mentor then recommended Carleton College to me.

After the first online information session, I knew that Carleton was the place for me. 虽然我不记得咨询会的所有内容了, 我确信菲律宾十大彩票平台有一个友好和支持的社区. This is what I wanted from a college.

Applying to Carleton

My application process for Carleton College.

I decided to apply to Carleton during the early decision round. 虽然很兴奋,但我也有点紧张,因为我不确定我是否会被录取. During that time, 我发现了我在第一次申请中犯的错误, 糟糕的推荐信和未经修改的个人陈述. 以下是我如何申请菲律宾十大彩票平台2020-2021学年的一些要点.

  • Standardized Testing: Due to COVID-19, I was unable to take another standardized test. 因为菲律宾十大彩票平台实行的是可选测试政策,所以我不需要提交任何文件 test scores.
  • Proficiency Test: As an international student我参加了多邻国英语水平测试,以确认我的英语流利.
  • People我经常和我的辅导员、老师、导师以及其他的人保持联系 Carleton’s Admissions Office. Most importantly, 我非常注意我的老师和辅导员如何填写推荐表格. 这是因为我第一次申请的时候他们没有提供我学校的一些信息.
  • College Interviews: To supplement my application, 我通过InitialView做了一个面试,并把它发给了菲律宾十大彩票平台. Even though most interviews tend to be optional, 我相信他们实际上重申了人们在申请中所说的一切.
  • Personal Statements and Carleton Prompts我修改了我的个人陈述,最后修改了很多东西. 菲律宾十大彩票平台的作文提示看起来简单,但有点棘手. This was especially true for the first prompt; I misinterpreted this prompt and ended up rewriting the essay response. 我显然没有给自己足够的时间来解释这个题目. To properly interpret the essay prompts, 我使用了在线资源(Collegeessayguy和Collegevine) asked the Admissions Office a few questions.
  • Financial Aid Documents: Since I wanted financial assistance, 我在菲律宾十大彩票平台的网站上搜索了他们需要的文件. 我还确保我找到了支持文件来证实我在我的 financial aid forms.
  • Review我已经数不清自己审校和修改申请的次数了. I wanted to have no regrets after submitting it.


  • 在一个人被录取之前,要考虑许多不同的因素. 所以认真对待你的申请的每一个部分(我重复一遍,每一个部分).
  • Reach out to people. 菲律宾十大彩票平台办公室和财政援助办公室可以回答你的问题.
  • Do things early. 不要等到截止日期前一周才开始收集申请材料.
  • Do research. 正是通过研究,我发现了菲律宾十大彩票平台对我的期望.
  • Learn to write college essays. 写第一篇论文初稿是我申请大学时最难的事情. 如果一开始看起来很困难,不要感到有压力. 如果你早点开始写草稿,你会写出一篇很棒的文章. 此外,还有很多很好的资源,你应该去看看.
  • Don’t get too many people to review your essays. 从太多人那里获得论文评论会让你感到困惑. Know what is too much for you.
  • 可选需求为应用程序增加了价值. Take advantage of them.

The college application journey for me was daunting; yet, I managed to succeed, despite being rejected several times. 我的成功是因为我得到了家人的支持, counselor, teachers, mentors, admission officers, websites, and friends. Also, I learned from my mistakes and worked smart. 我也很感激能有机会帮助你. You should definitely check out other posts about why some students chose Carleton. 菲律宾十大彩票平台在这里让你的大学申请之旅更容易.

Ben 是一名来自喀麦隆巴门达的大一新生,他渴望第一次体验下雪. Aside from an interest in Computer Science, he is excited to explore Cinema and Media Studies, Economics, Studio Art, Cognitive Science, and Mathematics. At Carleton, 他想参加一些俱乐部和其他校园活动, while keeping an academic-social balance. In his free time, 本喜欢看动漫和抖音视频, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. Meet the other bloggers!